Saturday, November 30, 2019

William BlakeS The Tyger Essays - The Tyger, William Blake, The Lamb

William Blake'S The Tyger Midterm Even after all these years we as humans still ask why evil exists and where does it come from. As stated in William Blakes powerful piece of poetry The Tyger its hard for us as a people to acknowledge that such a fearsome creature who preys on mankind could have been created by God. In his work Blake approaches the idea of the tiger as being a dark and evil creature created only for destruction And what shoulder and what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And, when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand? and what dread feet? Blake clearly observes the beauty of the creature but seems more drawn to the dark mystery of the creature. During the time period any creature that took human life without regard was considered to be a work of the devil, a creature of Satan, but Blake on the other hand had a different view that was sure to cause an upset in society so many years ago. When the stars threw down their spears, And watered heaven with their tears, Did He smile His work to see? Did He who made the lamb make thee? The very idea that God could have created this terrible beast must have border lined on heresy. But when this poem is read along side Blakes other piece the lamb, we start to see what he means. In the bible there is reference to the Lion laying down with the lamb as a sign of peace, unity and harmony this is perhaps what Blake was referring to when he wrote these two poems. He is perhaps saying that no matter how different we are, or the darkness that may reside with in some we can coexist together because we come from the same place. English Essays

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Broken Spears

The Broken Spears The city of Aztec emerged in history as a result of a long cultural transformation in the pre Christian era. As per the historians the land of Mexico underwent a great cultural transition around second millennium B.C. The foundations of the sacred cities of Mayas-Tikal, Copan etc. were laid at the beginning of the Christian era.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Broken Spears specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The pyramids, palaces, various inscriptions and representations of gods became the source to Aztec art and culture in the Conquest period. The downfall of Roman Empire and the emergence of Spaniards as major power in the New World highlight of this period (Portillo, 1992). The Origin of Toltec Empire The eighth and ninth centuries witnessed the decline of Teotihuacan and Mayan cultures. However, a new state originated in central Mexico from the blend of these cultures, and it was called Toltec Empire. The main populace of this empire was people who migrated from the north. They brought with them their language of Nahuatl which in due course became the language of the Aztecs. Quetzalcoatl was their Teotihuacan cultural hero during this period. However, Quetzalcoatl left them promising his return to the land sometime in the future (Portillo, 1992). The Aztecs or Mexicas entered the Valley of Mexico from the north while new city states sprouted on its shores. In 1325 they founded their city on an isolated island and within a span of ten decades they were successful in amalgamating their old cultural traditions. They were independent, and finding themselves stable, started conquering the nearby states. This was followed by their expedition to the far and establishing their rule up to Pacific and Guatemala regions. Gradually, they became the most powerful and richer than any other city states (Portillo, 1992). The Aztec Empire, a panoramic view Don Hernando Cortes, the Spaniard and his band of six hundred soldiers landed on the coast of Aztec Empire at Veracruz on 22nd April 1519. It changed the destiny of the Empire. The city of Aztec surrendered to this unscrupulous man within 2 years. When he subdued the land the population was around a quarter of a million.Advertising Looking for essay on ancient history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Festivals, sacrifices and several rituals to please the gods were practiced all over. There were frequent communion of teachers and students at the pre-Hispanic education centers. The busy streets and the merchant navigation were all impressive and the soldiers thronged to the city with their military exercises. Governors and Ambassadors from distant regions visited the city either to offer tributes or to seek Aztec alliance. Gold, silver, slaves and other merchandise filled the streets, causeways and shores. People worked very hard and were devoted to their gods. The celebrations and cultural activities added to the beauty of the city (Portillo, 1992). Contributions of Tlacaelel and Itzcoatl to making of Aztec Empire It was Itzcoatl who laid the firm foundation of the empire with his immaculate vision. He ruled the empire between 1428 and 1440. The wealth and the military strength of Tenochtitlan were the result of his accomplishments. His diplomatic alliance or confederation known as ‘triple alliance’ saw the union of Nezahualcoyotl of Tezcoco (to defeat Azcapotzalco), and befriending Tenochtitlan, Tezcoco and the city of Tlacopan. The royal counselor of the King was Tlacaelel who was a shrewd statesman. He introduced significant reforms in the overall political, religious, social and economic fields of the country which brought in phenomenal improvements in the society as a whole. The historians have remarked that if the Spaniards were to come to Aztec during his period, the fate of the Empire would have been different. Tlacaelel was such a visionary ‘King Maker’ who never longed for the throne, even though it was extended to him several times. It was he who persuaded the Aztec Kings to extend the realms of Huitzilopochtli stressing upon the necessity to capture men belonging to other clans for the sacrifice. He also reformed judiciary, military, trade and commerce which were the foundation stones of Aztec mighty empire. The triple alliance conceived by him propelled the neighboring states to concede, and forced them to sign treaties. The farsighted action brought more revenue to the state in the form of tributes. During his period the Aztec boundaries were extended to the south (Portillo, 1992). Social life of the Aztecs By 1510 the empire was responsible for over several million people. The empire was extended from Pacific to Gulf coast and up to Guatemala. The speedy growth of the empire brought about corresponding changes in the outlook and way of living of the people. Their socio-political structure was so rigid that they enthralled the Spaniards with its complex nature. The social set up of the citizens reflected the social stratification which was based on the nature and class of their work. Education wasAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Broken Spears specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More also given great importance. The people practiced worshipping only one god namely, the Lord of Duality, though they considered it in the form of individual deities (Portillo, 1992). Warfare of Aztecs War became the cultural institution of the Aztec life as it was their means to please the god. The warriors knew that their prime duty was to find the captives for sacrifice. This was the main reason for the expansion of Aztec Empire. However, it frightened the Spaniards too. They could have destroyed the conquering Spaniards, but the destiny wanted it in another way, for superstition, black magic and fear overpowered th e last emperor Motecuhzoma’s will, and this mistake caused the ruin of a great Empire. The dissident tribal chiefs and the prevailing enmity with the neighboring states also aggravated the situation (Portillo, 1992). The Downfall of Aztec Empire On going through the various documents available today it could be seen that the downfall of the Aztec Empire was not because of the bravery of the Spaniards but because of the unwanted fear of Motecuhzoma. Possessed with the evils of black magic and belief in omens, he paved the way for the Spaniards to conquer him and left his people at their mercy. By misunderstanding the signs and losing courage to fight, the King withdrew from imparting his duty of defending his empire. The fear of losing his throne forced him to sent messengers to the voyaging Don Hernando Cortes with gifts, and begging him. With that he warranted disgrace and sabotaged the will of the people. Instead of confronting the situation with valor and self esteem he op ted for the humiliation of great men and their traditions to utter shame and peril (Portillo, 1992). Conclusion In short, the whole episode of conquest and the ‘Night of Sorrow’ are the result of the Indians alone. The Spaniards could not be blamed on this. When the messengers gave their reports on their encounter with the Spaniards, King Motecuhzoma was terrified and he was drenched in despair to invite his doom. God will stand only with the valiant and not with the weak. The downfall of Aztec Empire illustrates this. It is relevant to quote the following lines of a Nahua poet named Natalio Hernindez Xocoyotzin: (Portillo, 1992). â€Å"Sometimes I feel that we, the Indians, are waiting for the arrival of a ManAdvertising Looking for essay on ancient history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More who can achieve all, knows everything, is ready to help us, will answer our problems. But, this Man who can achieve all, knows everything, will never arrive because he is in ourselves, walks along with us. He has been asleep, but now he is awakening. (Portillo, 1992) Reference Portillo, M.L. (1992). The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico. Beacon Press, Universalist Association of Congregations. Web.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Best of Daily Writing Tips in 2010

The Best of Daily Writing Tips in 2010 The Best of Daily Writing Tips in 2010 The Best of Daily Writing Tips in 2010 By Daniel Scocco First of all we wish a happy 2011 to all our readers. Second, we compiled a list with our most popular posts in 2010, so that you can re-read your favorite ones and check if you missed any. Next Monday well resume the writing tips, so stay tuned! What Is Irony? (With Examples): Recently I was walking and talking with my co-worker, who happens to be a freelance writer and aspiring journalist. We were talking about the fact that our employers were providing us with a Thanksgiving lunch the day after Thanksgiving, and she said, â€Å"It’s so ironic!’’ â€Å"There’s† and â€Å"There are†: Contractions are supposed to be easy to say. For example, they’re for they are is easy to utter, but adding another re to there to create â€Å"there’re† produces a word difficult to pronounce. English words Don’t (usually) End with â€Å"u†: The spelling â€Å"thru† has an entry in the tolerant Merriam-Webster that jumps to through.The OED has no entry for â€Å"thru,† although the spelling is listed along with many other historical variations in the through entry. â€Å"Ma’am† and Regional Colonialism; Where I come from, children are taught that responding to grownups with a mere â€Å"yes† or â€Å"no† is impolite. â€Å"Yeah† is unforgivably rude. As a child I was taught to say â€Å"yes, sir, no, ma’am† and when I grew up, I continued to say it. When I lived in England, women whom I’d addressed as â€Å"ma’am† would sometimes smile and tell me that over there â€Å"ma’am† was reserved for the queen. 20 Computer Terms You Should Know: A great deal of jargon is used when talking about computers, and it’s surprising how often these terms are used incorrectly. Even published, successful novels sometimes do so. The following list provides an explanation of some of the more common computing terms you may come across or need to employ in your own writing. â€Å"Fun, Funner, Funnest†?: The word fun probably originated as a dialect pronunciation of Middle English fon, which as an adjective meant â€Å"foolish† and as a noun meant â€Å"fool.† The Middle English verb fonnen meant â€Å"to be foolish, to be infatuated.† 16 Manuscript Format Guidelines: If you submit manuscripts to publishers or agents, you’ve probably come across the demand that you use â€Å"standard manuscript format† (or â€Å"SMF†) for your submissions. However, it isn’t always spelled out what this actually means. Curbs and Sidewalks: In U.S. English, the word sidewalk refers to a paved footpath alongside a street or a road. The sidewalk is usually raised above the level of the road. The curb is a stone or concrete edging between the road and the sidewalk. 100 Writing Mistakes To Avoid – The Book: One of the fastest ways to improve your writing skills is to free yourself from the most common English mistakes: things like exchanging less with fewer, misspelling its as it’s, or placing commas where they are not supposed to be. This Sink Needs Fixed: The expression is often associated with Pittsburgh and â€Å"a narrow band in the middle of the country extending from the east coast to Montana.† I grew up outside those regional boundaries and am quite used to hearing â€Å"The lawn needs mowed† and â€Å"This sink needs fixed.† Taking and Bringing: Both bring and take have numerous meanings. One can, for example, take medicine, take the Fifth, take a liking to, take it on the chin, take a partner, take in a stray, take up for a friend, take out a date, and take an oath. 40 Twitter Hashtags for Writers: If you use Twitter, you’re probably already familiar with the idea of hashtags. These are simply a way of categorizing particular tweets by including within them a keyword prefixed with the hash or â€Å"pound† (#) symbol. PIN Number: To keep your writing as clear and concise as possible, you should generally try to remove unnecessary words. Sometimes duplication is fine – for artistic effect, for example – but as a general rule, it’s best to say things in as few words as possible. Corporate English: Thanks to reader Nick Corcodilos for sharing a link to an especially mind-numbing bit of English prose. I won’t publish the link he sent me, but I will give you an excerpt. Book Titles from Shakespeare: When I was receiving my secondary education in a small Arkansas high school many years ago, every student was expected to study four Shakespeare plays before graduating. The Letter â€Å"Z† Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet: Surprising as it sounds, it looks like the English alphabet will be losing one of its letters on June 1st. The announcement came from the English Language Central Commission (ELCC). No Talent for Writing: Unless the questioner wants to become an oral storyteller and tell these great stories to a live audience, or record them as audiobooks, the answer has to be, â€Å"Yes, you’re stuck.† However, I suspect that the person asking the question has made some attempt to put stories into writing, but is unhappy with the result. Post, Entry or Article?: My co-blogger and I have come across an interesting usage problem. We don’t know what to call what we write. It feels strange to refer to blog posts as â€Å"articles.† â€Å"Articles† sounds official, proper and very old media. â€Å"Posts† is the more common word, but it demeans the quality of the writing. 20 Movies Based on Shakespeare Plays: For me, April is Shakespeare’s month. I’ll be writing several Shakespeare-related posts this month, starting with Shakespeare in the movies. Story Writing 101: Since prehistoric times, when tales were told around fires and painted on cave walls, stories have been an essential part of our human experience. But what exactly is a story – and how can you write a great one? Don’t Be Burnt By â€Å"Inflammable†: In English, the in- prefix is often used to reverse the meaning of an adjective. Thus inactive is the opposite of active and inelegant is the opposite of elegant. So why isn’t inflammable the opposite of flammable? Mankind, Humankind, and Gender: My views on gendered language are perhaps too loose to meet the more extreme requirements of political correctness. For example, I don’t see anything wrong with using the word mankind in the sense of â€Å"all human beings living on the earth.† As I understand the word, it comes from an Old English construct in which man means â€Å"person.† 30 Religious Terms You Should Know: When I was growing up in small town America, stories about religion were generally confined to the Saturday church pages in the local newspaper. Catholics and Jews were the most exotic religious practitioners in town, and â€Å"atheist† was a strong term of disapprobation. â€Å"Completed Suicide†: My take is that, outside its valid use in medical literature, the expression â€Å"completed suicide† is being used as a euphemism by people who feel there’s more of a stigma attached to saying that someone â€Å"committed suicide.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Classes and Types of Phrases"Certified" and "Certificated"7 Sound Techniques for Effective Writing

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The future of the entertainment and media industry in the USA Essay

The future of the entertainment and media industry in the USA - Essay Example Nothing can match up to the difference the media has created in our lives and with time it can only get better. Talking about the future of the media, it is vivid how large the impact is going to be with every step towards perfection of evolution and advancement in technology, every day, every month and every year. â€Å"The media is a clever businessman and a better speaker than any politician† and to reach to the mass ensuring success it has come up with reality shows on almost every channel that keeps the mass glued to their television sets. The news hour debates keep the elderly in the family busy after work, the sitcoms and reality events keep the youth engrossed and why won’t they if it’s a good platform to portray your talent and feel the taste of success being in the limelight in reality shows like the American Idol. The future of the media can only get better as aforementioned and there’s no reason why it shouldn’t. My aim would be to add t o the profits while bringing in something new to this wonderful industry. There is much scope for experimentation and evolution in this particular industry.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Recruitment and Staffing Proposal Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Recruitment and Staffing Proposal - Coursework Example (Brown 56) Standards for quality staff include: A plan for systematic selection of a diverse company’s staff is critical to assuring the availability of quality personnel. Moreover, developing linkages with high schools and colleges, career and job fairs, and scholarship and mentor programs is a strategy that can be used to recruit a diverse group of career-focused personnel. (Lawlo 122) Training and staff development must be an on-going process that builds on the existing skills of each staff member. Training needs to be available to the junior staff members at different levels such as teachers, assistants, directors, and support staff. (Brown 88) To ensure proper selection of recruitment and retention of a qualified and competent staff, it is critical to develop and implement an equitable compensation system for childcare providers at all levels. An equitable compensation system offers salaries and benefits commensurate with the increase in knowledge and skills that staff members gain through taking courses, participating in a cohesive training program, or working toward a degree or credential. A plan for teamwork should be included. A staffing system that supports regular and frequent interactions with a wide range of multidisciplinary specialists will assure the availability of necessary skills and knowledge. Finally, Opportunities for career advancement should take into account the wide range of job roles and levels of training that providers currently have depending on the rank, staff should be given promotion in terms of the salaries paid and the position. This is an operative recruitment technique for obtaining from in a company. Workers often recommend friends, family and colleagues they trust could become important team associates in their association, which can result to highly skilled hires. This electronic gadgets provides a platform for candidates and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Relationship between Language and Content in Poetry Essay Example for Free

The Relationship between Language and Content in Poetry Essay For this assignment I have selected three poems to analyze the relationship between language and content in poetry. I want toattempt toanalyze the writting styles of three authors, whose work can be found from the book, The Art of Work. The three poems that I have selected are Share Croppers written by Langston Hughes, Factory Worker, written by Jim Daniels, and The Rope, written by Patricia Dobler. These are three poems that caught my eye and I became very interested in. The first poem I read for this assignment was Share-Croppers. This paticular poem seemed to have been written from the viewpoint of a slave who is captioning the hard work that had to be done as a sharecropper. Although this was a very short poem the expression by this author said a lot to capture any readers attention. For example the author gives you a picture as to how the sharecropper was left hungry and ragged afterr plowing away in fields. By reading this poem you are able to identify that Langston Hughes was very concerned about African American life through the use of certain dialect and terms. As you continue to read this poem over and over you are able to come to a conclusion that the era in which this poem was written goes back to a time after emancipation, when many blacks were forced to work as share croppers not being paid a dime,and where under the authority of white farm tenants. In this poem one starts to get a feelof what it was like to be a black share cropper unable to show any remores because this was a daily routine that took a toll over ever sharecropperss daily life. My next poem Factory Jungle seems to have been written from the viewpoint of a factory worker who is trying to enlighten the fact of being a determined ambitious worker, but also as one who is ready to end a long day at work. Just like many other authors. The author Jim Daniels has written a poem that uses many metaphors to paint a picture of a factory that gives off the idea of being a jungle. For example the author say, Id like to climb one of those ropes of light swing around the presses, welders etc. The language used by this author shows us a picture of a factory swinging freely amongst his work not having a care what so ever. These paticular terms of language enables us to get a physical picture of exactly what the factory worker is doing in the factory to change it into a jungle. Everyone understand that there is no way you are able to climb rope of light or even fly out of factory gates. This only catches the readers attention just the poem sharecroppers did. Keeping the same theme and indentifying the factroy as being a jungle, the author also uses a made elephant to represent the largest presses in the plant and allows us to paint another picture showing us the harm that this big machine could cause if fallen on your hand. In this part of the poem we find that the mad elephant allows us to think about how heavy and dangerous things could be when working around heavy machinery in this paticular factory. The author is being very creative throughout this poem, careful not to bore the reader. Jim Daniels used the correlation of swinging through the plant, then rippping off his coveralls, safety glasses, and ear plugs then pounding his chest and yelling like Tarzan. This again gives us that feeling showing us that this factory worker is feeling very free. Yet and still another picture has beenpainted for us. In my final poem that I have selected, I became silightly thrown off as to what this poem was trying to generate to the reader. Unlike the other two poems I used, this poem hardly used any language and dialect to allow the readers attention to be caught at once. As I read over this poem I figured that the viewpoint of this poem had to be written by a man who was dwelling on things that he could not make of life for him or a loved one and those things were haunting him. I came to this conclusion because the author says, Their vocies still wake me as I woke for years with a rise and fall. The author is not specific as to what she wants or doesnt want us to know. This poem does not paint a picture for me letting me feel and realize what exactly is going on. So by reading these three amazing poem we find many authors use some of the same styles, literary techniques and genres to help relate to readers. While other authors may leave you slightly wondering, and can often open your mind to wonder which can be a very positive matter. I personally relate better to readings that paint a picture allowing me to be side by side to what the author has written. Also while reading Ive found that not all poetic techniques were used but all three authors used something to help you understand the readings.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Why People Cannot Ask For Help Essay examples -- Asking For Help

It can be seen all around us. It may, in fact, affect a good number of us. What is affecting so many people is something called the wall of pride. start to build this wall once they turn into adolescents. The wall of pride is nearly indestructible and many problems. Some people build their wall so high that they are no longer able to ask for help and that can be destructive. The unavoidable truth is that everybody needs help at some point in his or her life. What makes some people refrain from asking for it? . It can be seen in many TV shows, movies, or books. . My own mother has had experience with this strange stereotype. When I interviewed her she said that one notable experience stood out from the many. This event happened a couple of years ago when my family was driving back from Colorado. She said that we were on our way back and my dad wanted to stop at a nursing home to visit his grandma. Now, this nursing home was in the middle of nowhere, Nebraska. After visiting, my mom asked my dad if he needed any help getting back onto the road. My dad took offence that my mom thought that he did not know where he was going. My mom said that he would not listen to her or look at a map. He said that he grew up going to visit his grandma and knew exactly where to go. My mom said that she gave up trying to help and started to read her book. A few hours later, my mom asked if he needed any help because we were still not on the highway. My dad said that he might have taken a wrong turn Kansas. This was a time before smart phones and GPS. My mom said that we had to find a rest stop and buy a map in order to get back onto the correct highway. When I asked if he listens better now, my mom said that my dad still does not like to ge... ...rove as a society until we can learn our weaknesses and rely on others for help to broaden our overall knowledge. Only when we reach that point will the wall of pride be desolated. Works Cited â€Å"Asking For Help†. Personal Experiment. Ed. Kim Geis. 7-19 Nov. 2013. Fallows, Deborah. "The Internet and Daily Life." Pew Internet, 11 Aug. 2004. Web.10 Dec.2013. Gladwell, Malcolm. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. Boston: Back Bay, 2002. Print. Geis, Kim. â€Å"Student Survey.† Survey. 12 Dec. 2013. Geis, Teri. Personal interview. 11 Dec. 2013. Mayerowitz, Scott. "Male Drivers Lost Longer Than Women." ABC News. ABC News Network, 26 Oct. 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. Seidman, Dr. Daniel. "Men and Asking for Help." The Huffington Post., 08 Dec. 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2013.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Event on Social Gathering for Women’s Day Essay

Gathering means a group of people together in one place and social gathering means a gathering for the purpose of promoting upliftment of the society/fellowship. A social gathering is an informal user generated event for those interested in social entrepreneurship enterprise, share ideas and meet new people. A social gathering is open to anyone with an interest in social enterprise. It helps in gaining advice, support and inspiration from entrepreneurs. It is an event specially organized for the awareness of the current issues. The event may include speeches, discussions, dramas, songs and many more cultural activities to make people aware. It is organized 4 to 5 hrs or lesser. It may include social issues like suicides, girl education, water conservation, garbage, etc. mostly the social gathering on these issues are followed by a campaign on large scale. Social gathering includes all the general public. The publicity is done on great extent. The targeted people are colleges, universities, other NGO’s, own NGO’s members and volunteers contacts and family and relatives etc. Since gathering means a collection or accumulation an assembly of persons, so the people gather for completing a task. It is a fully refreshing and entertaining type of event. Thus the event includes lunch together, and has discussions. This is organized in such manner that every one participate in the task taken on the issue. Mostly the social gathering is free of cost or low cost. The speakers are well-qualified and master in their field. The speeches by them are very practical which we can have in our daily-scheduled-routine life. The term female feticide means killing the female fetus in the mother’s womb. Sex selective abortions and increase in the number of female infanticide cases have become a significant social phenomenon in several parts of India. It transcends all castes, class and communities and even the North South dichotomy. The girl children become target of attack even before they are born. India is growing dynamically in all the fields†¦ the country have witnessed advancement all over but female feticide is still prevailing in India. In spite of all the stringent laws framed to curb the female feticide still, the practice continues. Many girls missing from our country are seen buried in the graveyard. The bias against females in India is related to the fact that sons are called upon to provide the income; they are the ones who do most of the work in the fields. In this way, sons are looked to as a type of insurance. With this perspective, it becomes clearer that the high value given to males decreases the value given to females. The exorbitant dowry demand is one of the main reasons for female feticide. A girl means accumulation of sufficient recourses for the dowry the parent have to give away, when the girls get married. As a matter of prestige too, more money and material goods are asked in dowry. Poor families are unable to give so much of things in dowry. Result is in front of you many, many women are treated hostile by their ‘in laws’’ so many of them commit suicide. Murders of women whose families are deemed to have paid   insufficient dowry have become increasingly common. Another major problem among girls is that in many villages of India, girls are considered as a big trouble to their parents. They are killed as soon as they are born. The phenomenon of female infanticide is as old as many cultures, and has likely accounted for millions of gender-selective deaths throughout history. It remains a critical concern in a number of â€Å"Third World† countries today, notably the two most populous countries on earth, China and India. In all cases, specifically female infanticide reflects the low status accorded to women in most parts of the world; â€Å"Female infanticide is the intentional killing of baby girls due to the preference for male babies and from the low value associated with the birth of females.† It should be seen as a subset of the broader phenomenon of infanticide, which has also targeted the physically or mentally handicapped and infant males as with maternal mortality. Some would dispute the assigning of infanticide or female infanticide to the category of â€Å"genocide† or, as here, â€Å"gendercide†. When demographic statistics were first collected in the nineteenth century, it was discovered that in â€Å"some villages of India, no girl babies were found at all; in a total of thirty others, there were 343 boys to 54 girls. In rural India, the centuries-old practice of female infanticide can still be considered a wise course of action.† According to census statistics, â€Å"From 972 females for every 1,000 males in 1901 †¦ the gender imbalance has tilted to 929 females per 1,000 males.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Importance of Learning English Essay

Introduction: The importance of learning English cannot be overemphasized in an increasingly interconnected and globalized world. English is the most spoken language in the world as billions of people sheer English language as their official language. It is the primary language used in different international activities. Even in nations where English is not the primary spoken language has official status. English is indisputably the primary language of global trade, commerce, and education. So, for career build up there is no alternate to learn English. What is Language? A language is a systematic means of communication by the use of sounds or conventional symbols. It is the code we all use to express ourselves and communicate to others. It is a communication by word of mouth. It is the mental faculty or power of vocal communication. It is a system for communicating ideas and feelings using sounds, gestures, signs or marks. Any means of communicating ideas, specifically, human speech, the expression of ideas by the voice and sounds articulated by the organs of the throat and mouth is a language. This is a system for communication. A language is the written and spoken methods of combining words to create meaning used by a particular group of people. Read more: Importance of English speech essay Language, so far as we know, is something specific to humans, that is to say it is the basic capacity that distinguishes humans from all other living beings. Language therefore remains potentially a communicative medium capable of expressing ideas and concepts as well as moods, feelings and attitudes. Written languages use symbols (characters) to build words. The entire set of words is the language’s vocabulary. The ways in which the words can be meaningfully combined is defined by the language’s syntax and grammar. The actual meaning of words and combinations of words is defined by the language’s semantics. English as an International language: English is part of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of languages. It is spoken as a native language by around 377 million and as a second language by around 375 million speakers in the world. Speakers of English as a second language will soon outnumber those who speak it as a first language. Around 750 million people are believed to speak English as a foreign language. English has an official or a special status in 75 countries with a total population of over 2 billion. The domination of the English language globally is undeniable. English is the language of diplomacy and international communications, business, tourism, education, science, computer technology, media and Internet. Because English was used to develop communication, technology, programming, software, etc, it dominates the web. 70% of all information stored electronically is in English. The latest and the most advanced discoveries and inventions in science and technology are being made in the universities located in the United States of America where English language is the means of scientific discourse. So, it is undeniably true that English is the main international language in the world. The historical circumstances of Bangladesh to learn English: After two hundred years communal rule by the British Raj English language has been using all over the Indian subcontinent as official language. Now-a-days language medium of maximum higher education in Bangladesh is English. Widespread use of internet also paves the way to establish English as inevitable language to learn. With out being fluent in English it is impossible to get job in any corporate business centre in Bangladesh. Learning English for professional purpose: Now-a-days without English language it is impossible to live in a single day. For professional purpose it is a Must to learn English. No person can be explored his/her professional excellence without proper implementation of English language. From very early part of professional development to the higher stage of profession a person need appropriate use of English. So, importance of learning English is never be overlooked. Necessity of learning English in Different professional purposes: In early part of career development, i.e. during educational stage: English language is that window through which we can see the world easily. We need this language for our higher education. Technical subjects are taught in English. Most of the books in modern technology are found in English. If we have no knowledge of English, we can’t study those books. Many important and great books are written in English. We can enjoy reading various literary books in English. Higher education in first world In universities and colleges in Great Britain, the Unites States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, which attract the most number of international students, the primary language of instruction is English. So, without obtaining higher score in IELTS or TOFEL no student can enter the universities located in these countries. Job Opportunities in home and abroad: Knowing English opens job and employment opportunities in home and abroad. Multilateral institutions and agencies in aboard recruit professionals with multilingual skills but also expect the candidates to have good English-speaking skills. Without having good commend in both writing and speaking English no body will get job in international agencies, import oriented business agencies and even in local high profile agencies or business centers. Former British colonies or dependencies, also offers numerous employment opportunities to those who understand and communicate in English. We can get a good job easily, if we have good command in spoken or written English. Nowadays we require English even to operate computer, which is a compulsory thing in modern society. Digital Age: While progress has been made in language-translation software and allied technologies, the primary language of the ubiquitous and all-influential World Wide Web is English. English is typically the language of latest-version applications and programs and new freeware, shareware, peer-to-peer, social media networks and websites. Software manuals, hardware-installation guides and product fact sheets of popular consumer electronics and entertainment devices usually are available in English first before being made available in other languages. So, to be a good corporate officer in this digital era there is no option without learning English.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Davis Surname Meaning and Origin

Davis Surname Meaning and Origin Davis is the 8th most common surname in America and one of the 100 most common last names in both England and Wales. Surname Origin: Welsh,  English Alternate Surname Spellings:  Davies (Welsh), David, Davidson, Davison, Daves, Dawson, Dawes, Day, Dakin What Does Davis Mean? Davis is a common patronymic surname with Welsh origins meaning son of David, a given name that means beloved. Fun Facts In the United States, Davis is one of the ten most common surnames. The variant Davies, however, is barely in the top 1,000 most common last names. In Great Britain, this surname popularity is reversed. There, Davies is the 6th most common surname overall, while Davis is the 45th most common surname. Where Do People Named Davis Live? According to WorldNames PublicProfiler, the Davis surname is most commonly found in the United States, especially in the southern states of Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Tennessee. It is also a common surname in Australia, the United Kingdom (especially southern England), New Zealand, and Canada. Forebears ranks Davis as the 320th most common surname in the world, with the highest numbers found in Jamaica, Anguilla, and the Bahamas, followed by the U.S., Liberia, and Australia. Famous People with the Surname Davis Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America.Miles Davis, influential American jazz artist.Angela Davis, political philosopher and black power activist.Captain Howell Davis, Welsh pirate.Sammy Davis Jr., American entertainer.General Benjamin O. Davis,  leader of the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II.William Morris Davis, father of American geography. Sources Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, June 1, 2004. Cottle, Basil. The Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. (Penguin Reference Books), Paperback, 2nd Edition, Puffin, August 7, 1984. Davis Surname Definition. Forebears, 2012. Hanks, Patrick. A Dictionary of Surnames. Flavia Hodges, Oxford University Press, February 23, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. 1st Edition, Oxford University Press, May 8, 2003. Hoffman, William F. Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings. First Edition, Polish Genealogical Society, June 1, 1993. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Hardcover, Bilingual edition, Avotaynu, May 30, 2005. Rymut, Kazimierz. Nazwiska Polakow. Hardcover, Zaklad Narodowy im. OssoliÅ„skich, 1991. Smith, Elsdon Coles. American Surnames. 1st Edition, Chilton Book Co, June 1, 1969.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Arthur Zimmermann - Profile

Arthur Zimmermann - Profile Arthur Zimmerman worked as the German Foreign Secretary during 1916-17 (mid World War 1), during which time he sent the Zimmermann Note / Telegram, a document whose clumsy diplomacy (trying to trigger a Mexican invasion of the US) contributed to America’s entry into the war and earned Zimmerman lasting infamy as a hapless failure. Born 5 October 1864, Died 6 June 1940. Early Career Born in 1864 Marggrabowa, East Prussia (now called Olecko and in Poland), Arthur Zimmermann followed a career in the German civil service, moving to the diplomatic branch in 1905. By 1913 he had a major role thanks partly to the Foreign Secretary, Gottlieb von Jagow, who left much of the face to face negotiations and meetings to Zimmermann. Indeed, Arthur was acting as Foreign Secretary alongside German Emperor Wilhelm II and Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg in 1914 when the decision to support Austria-Hungary against Serbia, and thus Russia, and thus enter into the First World War, was taken. Zimmermann himself drafted the telegram giving notice of Germanys commitment. Soon most of Europe was fighting each other, and hundreds of thousands were being killed. Germany, in the middle of it all, managed to stay afloat. Arguments Over Submarine Strategy Jagow remained Foreign Secretary until the middle of 1916, when he resigned in protest at the governments decision to resume unrestricted submarine warfare, which was likely to provoke a US declaration of war against Germany. This style of warfare involved using submarines to attack any and all shipping they found, whether or not it appeared to be from neutral nations (although American was using an odd sort of neutrality at the best of times), and one major target was US civilian and shipping craft. The US had warned earlier in the war that such tactics might induce it to fight Germany.Zimmermann was appointed his replacement on November 25, thanks partly to his talents, but mainly to his complete support of the military rulers – Hindenburg and Ludendorff – and the submarine policy, which was now going to going ahead. Reacting to the threat from America, Zimmermann proposed an alliance with both Mexico and Japan to create a ground war on US soil. However, the telegram of instructions he sent to his Mexican ambassador in March 1917 was intercepted by the British (not entirely honourably, but there was   a war on) and passed onto the US for maximum effect: it became known as the Zimmermann Note, severely embarrassed Germany and contributed to the American publics support for war. They were, as you might imagine, angered by Germany trying to bring bloodshed to their own country, and were now keener on exporting some of their own in return. A Lack of Denials For reasons that still baffle political spokesmen, Zimmermann publicly admitted to the telegram’s authenticity. Zimmermann remained Foreign Secretary for a few more months, until he retired from government in the August of 1917 (largely because there wasnt a job for him anymore). He lived until 1940 and died with Germany again at war, his career overshadowed by one short communication.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Immigration in the 19th Century, Teddy Roosevelt, and Labor Unions Essay

Immigration in the 19th Century, Teddy Roosevelt, and Labor Unions - Essay Example During the time of the great immigration, all the people needed were a boat ticket or in the least other means of transport to get to America. Thus, the shipbuilding industry facilitated the immigration significantly. During the agrarian revolution and the following years, several people came into America as slaves, to work in the factories and farms of the people. However, the immigration wave from the period 1820s to 1890s marked the observable immigration process. The immigrants in this period were mainly from Ireland and Germany, which brought about 5 million immigrants. The migration was because of includes famine and poverty in Ireland and political instability in Germany. Additionally, there were other immigrants, including from France, Canada and Sweden. Along these Europeans also came about 90000 Japanese and 300000 Chinese, whose chief reason was to make money for the Japanese and flee the opium war for the Chinese (Alexander, 2007). The industrial revolution further attracted more immigrants from the year 1890 to 1919. The immigrants into America this period constituted people from Italy, Austria, Hungary, Russia, Ireland and Great Britain. Conversely, with the arrival of the World War , the immigration declined. Nonetheless, over 9 million immigrants already settled in America (Alexander, 2007). The immigration into America took root from three reasons. Some were economic reasons, which featured search for wealth and employment, political reasons, which featured escape from the warring countries, and religious reasons, featuring trials and executions due to religious beliefs. The people as they migrated, due to the high numbers and inadequate housing, settled in groups in what grew into slum settlements. Additionally, due to the influx of people, unemployment rates increased as well as, the income of families (Alexander, 2007). The immigrants grew the American economy stronger. However,